Fraud Alert

Important Information

Headhunters Recruitment Consultancy does not charge any fee/money from Job seekers.

Headhunters Recruitment Consultancy India recruitment team sends email . We have no other domain name. To verify our staff’s contact is genuine, click here.

Head Hunters India Does Not Charge A Fee

We do not charge/accept any amount or security deposit from job seekers during the selection process or while inviting candidates for interview. We have a no-fee policy from job seekers which means that our recruiters/representatives will never seek money from job seekers – virtually or in-person.

Be cautioned that fake job offers in the name of Headhunters Recruitment Consultancy Companies and deceptively similar fictitious entities, domain name, email addresses, marks and logos (using ‘Headhunters Recruitment Consultancy ’ viz., ‘Headhunters Recruitment Consultancy ’) (“Deceptive Sources”), to deceive the candidates have been circulated by some unauthorised persons / fraudsters.

Head Hunters India Does Not Charge A Fee

We categorically state that all email communications will be sent from official email ids only. 

Spam e-mails are those which are sent from Deceptive Sources with the intention of committing fraud and illegally obtaining confidential information and / or money from people.

Be Aware Of Imposters Misusing Our Brand

Some fraudsters are using Deceptive Sources to solicit job applications and require the job seekers / applicants to pay processing fees or deposit amount by sending false e-mails or by making fraudulent telephone calls or in other manners.

What do they do?

  • Pose as a recruiter of Headhunters Recruitment Consultancy and contact people (e.g. via email, letter, phone or social media) about a “suitable position” (either a real vacancy of Headhunters Recruitment Consultancy or a fake one)
  • Post online vacancy to provide part-time earning opportunity with caveat of paying back the “perpetrator” if the task is not completed
  • Misrepresent our employees by meeting job seekers near our office premises without any proof of working for Headhunters Recruitment Consultancy and without any registration process that verifies authenticity

How To Identify A Job Scam/ Recruitment Fruad?

Head Hunters Will Never Adopt Any Of The Below Practices:

  • Request money (e.g. for “processing fee” “registration fees” “documentation fee” “vertification fee”).
  • Request personal and sensitive information such as passport and bank account details.
  • Send emails from free web-based email accounts such as Yahoo, Gmail or
  • Send messages via a mobile app with work-from-home opportunities without any interview process (virtual or in-person).
  • Make substantial spelling ang grammatical errors.
  • Insist on urgency from the outset.
  • Use poorly formatted documentation with grammatical errors and spelling mistakes.
  • Examine email and web domains closely: Scrutinize the spelling, arrangement, and any potential irregularities in the email address or website URL provided.
  • We at Headhunters Recruitment Consultancy do not promote commission based jobs that asks job seekers to recharge by making a payment in order to work on a task/project. Nor do we have any association with online commission based project portal.
  • We never have in-person meeting with job seekers at our office without registration process at the security/reception area.

How To Avoid Becoming A Victim Of Job Scams/ Recruitment Fraud?

  • Be sensitive to identifying poorly designed job ads, or, any ads that are not being posted on our official channels such as the website (link to respective market’s job seeker page). Example of fake ads
  • If you’re unsure whether the job ads are genuine, contact us first at here.
  • Always ask for an official email for more info on the job vacancy and make sure the email received is from the domain. We have no other domain.
  • Never transfer any money as Headhunters Recruitment Consultancy does not charge any fee/ money from Job Seekers.
  • There may be scamsters who misuse our brand and use it to approach job seekers. We advocate abundant caution when you are approached with such suspicious looking/sounding job opportunities.
  • Always ensure that you register at the office premise and verify the authenticity of the recruiter before proceeding for meeting/interview.

Headhunters Recruitment Consultancy has no responsibility for fraudulent offers and advises candidates to follow the guidance provided above.

To read our full Disclaimer, click here.

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